In the beginning, founder Beth Tait sold seeds and plants to buy supplies. Arbor Day was an important part of early club activities. Six pine trees were planted at Juanita Elementary School and three dogwood trees at Evergreen HospitaI. Later, the club planted all the flower beds at a church.

Early meetings were held at Beth’s home until other locations were found. The club’s plant sales were held at many different grocery stores. Early plant sales found members potting at Beth's home, using her soil and mainly her plants. She sold her plants to many nurseries, and one spring sold 3,500 primroses at the Orthopedic Hospital sale. She always donated some of these plants in Hilltoppers’ name. Beth was also one of five people who started the East Lake Washington District of Garden Clubs. Before that, the District was located in downtown Seattle.

We have a long, proud history of community involvement and striving for excellence in all things related to flowers, gardening, conservation, involvement in schools, and protecting our environment. The club has been so successful because of the effort that every member happily contributes.

The picture below is the Killian Daisy which is the official Flower of the Hilltoppers' Garden Club.